Thursday, 02 October 2008

Week 3

Ladysmith visit.

This field-trip was again with FSR. We visited 8 pig producers to do surveys about how they manage the pigs, family situation and other general questions. With this diagnostic study, the group can realize in which direction to do their research. Mostly of the producers bought the

piglets from the same raiser and have problems with the feed due to high feed cost. One possible topic for the research is to see the genetic characteristics of their pigs under ideal conditions at the Cedara research station to determine their biological performance and determine the best formulations for feeding rural pigs in Ladysmith.

Out of all the farmers visited they had a total +/- 200 pigs. These pigs are kept intensively in wooden houses or houses made of corrugated iron. Due to high feed prices, these farmers feed their pigs swill (waste and kitchen left overs) which is not good to diseases like foot and mouth being transferred through swill. Biodigestors can be of future use to these to produce energy as some of these farmers do not have any electricity to warm the piglets.

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